Activities & News

A Workshop on ‘Premiere Pro for Everyone’ Was Formed by AIUB Computer Club

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AIUB Computer Club organized a workshop on Premiere Pro for Everyone’ on 28th January 2022 for its members to help them flourishing on the field of video editing. The sole purpose of this workshop is to get all participants acquainted with the basics of Premiere Pro and to rapidly familiarize participants with all possibilities of the software. The workshop was conducted by Md. Ibrahim Bahadur, Assistant General Secretary – Event Coverage And Post Production, AIUB Computer Club, using the online platform ‘Google Meet’.

Hosting side by side, Niloy Roy and Samiha Hossain the two general members of AIUB Computer Club started the workshop by introducing the speaker Md. Ibrahim Bahadur. Then Mr. Bahadur started the session by sowing the seeds of unlimited video editing possibilities with Premiere Pro to the participants’ minds. The whole workshop was segmented into three sections. Mr. Bahadur designed the workshop for beginners, intermediate learners, and for advanced-level learners as well. Maintaining the flow, he introduced the basic interface and components of premiere pro like source monitor, project panel, program monitor, timeline, and tools panel at the very beginning of the session. Marching forward, he showed participants, the way of creating a sequence in a video, cutting and adding footage, mixing audios with videos in a synchronized manner, and after-effects. In the meantime, Abhijit Bhowmik, Associate Professor and Special Asst., Office of Student Affairs, AIUB, enhanced the session’s charm with his presence and gave the advice to trail career on video editing for those who don’t want to go on a traditional track of job sectors. He praised the speaker to make such an excellent workshop and advised the participants to attend the workshops to get a hands-on experience. In addition, Md. Sabbir Shikder Orid, former Assistant General Secretary – Event Coverage And Post Production, AIUB Computer Club, gave a positive thought to the magnificent workshop. By proceeding further, Mr. Bahadur manifested video track text lair, different plug-ins, and motion transition. In order to make the whole session interactive, he encouraged the participants to suggest designing concepts instantly which got a huge response. Finally, he finished the session by showing color grading, adding titles and their calculated transitions regarding videos. Mr. Bahadur welcomed questions from attendees throughout each segment to clear their doubts and queries. 

Finally, the workshop was concluded by the two hosts Mr. Roy and Ms. Hossain. They conveyed their appreciation to the speaker and former executive committee members who attended, as well as to the participants. The workshop was a great success with nearly 55 participants and motivated the attendees to consider pursuing further skills in video editing.