Activities & News

Workshop On “Moz Code”

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` Firefox@AIUB arranged a workshop on December 25, 2021. “Moz Code” in collaboration with AIUB Computer Club(ACC). All ACC members who are inquisitive about “Mozilla Firefox” and want to learn more about Mozilla are welcome to attend the online session. The goal of this session is to raise awareness of Mozilla code, how it works, and how we can help Mozilla Firefox. Mr. Mahmudul Hasan  (Former Club Lead) led the workshop using an online platform called Google Meet. 

At 7.30 a.m., Khandaker Raiyan Rahman (Social Awareness Lead) and Md. Shalim Sadman (Logistic Peer) led the online meeting by presenting the speaker Mahmudul Hasan Bhaiya (Former Club Lead). Mr. Mahmudul Hasan began the session by sharing his expertise and helping the audience understand the Mozilla resources with a brief overview of the day’s topic and how it might assist us. He also displayed his screen to explain how to participate and what makes Mozilla so appealing. He briefly discussed which segments we may contribute to Mozilla and also mentioned that coding is another segment where technology-based students like working since this team have a lot of connections in a similar industry and they can grow their work.

To provide the participants with an appropriate perspective Mr. Mahmudul Hasan also delivered a presentation created just for the session “Moz Code” where participants may have completely theoretical and informative information about coding and MDN, and he also shared a video to make it more interesting.

The entire session was really participatory, thanks to the speaker, Mr. Mahmudul Hasan, who was constantly interacting with the audience by addressing their questions, and Salman Rahman Desh Bhaiya’s (Club Advisor & Former Club Lead) appearance on that was like the frosting on the cake. Salman Rahman Desh and Mahmudul Hasan organized a fantastic short session in which participants could offer their opinions on Mozilla products, which all attendees enjoyed immensely.

Indeed, the meeting was beneficial in resolving all of our questions and being inspired by our club advisers. Finally, Abhijit Bhowmik Sir, Associate Professor, and Special Assistant, Office of Student Affairs, AIUB, enthused guests with some data and insights about this sector and future potential. The workshop was a success, with over 30 regular attendances and overwhelming excellent reviews from all.


Some referred links given by the speaker:
