Activities & News

AIUB Computer Club Arranged a Virtual Workshop on ‘The Art of Photography’

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On 12th November 2021, AIUB Computer Club (ACC) organized a virtual workshop titled ‘The Art of Photography’ using the ‘Google Meet’ online platform. The workshop was conducted by MD Sabbir Shikder Orid, Former Assistant General Secretary – Event Coverage And Post Production, ACC. The purpose of the workshop was to enhance skills towards Photography and guide the members on how to see each new obstacle as a challenge to be explored, and an experience to savor.

Art of Photography

Art of Photography by Orid Bhaiya...

Md. Ibrahim Bahadur, Assistant General Secretary, Event Coverage And Post Production, ACC being the host of the workshop inaugurated the session at 7:30 PM by greeting the key speaker and the workshop. Then, he mentioned what is photography, the art and basics of photography as the contexts of the workshop, and bestowed the floor to the speaker. Mr. Orid, thanking the host and interacting with others began the session by listening to the members’ answers about what photography was. He expressed that there was no particular definition of photography and defined it as an individual photographer’s unique point of view that makes a photograph. He mentioned the contents of the theme that he was going to discuss: basic about aperture, ISO, shutter speed, exposure triangle, white balance, shooting modes, metering modes, AF operation, and, drive mode of a professional camera as well as types of photography, and basic composition rules. He showed how mobile pictures have the same features as professional camera photographs. One by one, he well explained the contents above providing necessary information and real examples. Additionally, he showed different pictures of several experiments. He distinguished how the quality of pictures depends on the precision of light and the exposure triangle (aperture – shutter speed – ISO) which makes the perfect light for the image. Along with that, how all such factors combine to capture a quality picture in different situations and times was also demonstrated. After finishing each of the contents he made sure the attendees understood them. He delivered instructions and the members experimented with their phones and professional camera to earn practical experience. Taking queries from participants, he broadly discussed every point to seize a smooth picture manually. Members learned about different meanings of white balance i.e., color meaning under cool and warm temperatures. Then, he talked about how each picture is featured into different rules by explaining the rule of thirds, symmetry, frame within the frame leading lines, rule of space, patterns and textures, etc.

Art of Photography

Overall, it was quite an educated and significant workshop covering important topics. The response of the attendees illustrated the workshop to be very useful for them. Almost 50 members actively participated in the workshop. Eventually, Mr. Orid concluded the session, and Mr. Bahadur took care of the floor by receiving members’ opinions about the workshop.

Art of Photography