Activities & News

JARVIS 4.0 – Intra ACC Carnival

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AIUB Computer Club (ACC) is delighted to announce the successful conclusion of “JARVIS 4.0 – Intra ACC Carnival” powered by Jeeto.Online. The carnival took place both online and offline on June 18 and 19, 2023. It is worth mentioning that this is the first time the event was held offline after the COVID-19 pandemic.

The carnival commenced with a concise opening ceremony. On June 18, 2023, the event featured a variety of exciting activities, including Idea Prototyping and App Showcasing, Content Writing Competition, Logo Design Competition, Video Editing Competition, Photography Contest, ICT Olympiad, and a Gaming Competition (“Slidey Cube”) which was hosted by Jeeto.Online. Each competition was divided into senior and junior categories. Notably, the Logo Design Competition, Content Writing Competition, Photography Contest, and Video Editing Competition required participants to submit their entries in advance. The gaming booth by Jeeto.Online, titled “Paperfly Marathon-AIUB,” was set up on the ground floor of the D building and was open to all AIUB students throughout the event days.

The event began with Idea Prototyping and App Showcasing competitions, which commenced at 5 p.m. Participants presented their projects and demonstrated their work in front of esteemed faculty judges, including MOHAIMEN-BIN-NOOR, Assistant Professor and Special Assistant [CS] in Computer Science; VICTOR STANY ROZARIO, Assistant Professor and Special Assistant [CS] in Computer Science; MR. SYED NAFIUL SHEFAT, Lecturer in the Faculty of Science and Technology; and TANVIR AHMED, Lecturer in the Faculty of Science and Technology.

The ICT Olympiad followed at 6.30 PM, and current members of ACC actively participated. Meanwhile, the Logo Designers and Photographers showcased their creations before ACC alumni, who served as judges. Once all the competitions were completed, the event was paused for the day.

On June 19, 2023, ACC organized the closing and prize-giving ceremony of “Jarvis 4.0: Intra ACC Carnival.” The event was graced by the presence of SHARFUDDIN MAHMOOD, Assistant Professor and Special Assistant [OSA], as a guest, along with MR. ENAMUL HAQUE, Operation Manager (Production) of Riseup Lab, the leading platform of Jarvis-4.0 swags partner Jeeto.Online.The closing event was made even more vibrant by the presence of all senior members and alumni of AIUB Computer Club. 

MINTAJUR RAHMAN EMON, Assistant General Secretary of Media and Publication at ACC, and MEHENAZ BUSHRA, Assistant General Secretary of Public Relations at ACC, served as the hosts. They extended warm welcomes to everyone and congratulated the winners and runners-up of the various competitions. Subsequently, they announced the names of the winners and runners-up for each segment, and MR. SHARFUDDIN MAHMOOD and other guests presented the prizes to the winners. MR. ENAMUL HAQUE and his team joined the stage to award the winners of the gaming competition.

During the event, Mr. MAHMOOD delivered an inspiring speech to motivate all participants, while MR. HAQUE expressed gratitude and shared exciting information with the participants and the audience. Mr. MAHMOOD then handed over a plaque of appreciation to MR. HAQUE and the entire Jeeto.Online representatives those were present at the closing ceremony. The event concluded with a group photo capturing the cherished moments.