Activities & News

AIUB Computer Club (ACC) organized a workshop on “Quick Expert on MS Office”

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On 14th October 2019, AIUB Computer Club (ACC) organized a workshop titled “Quick Expert on MS Office” in room no. 1120, Annex 1, American International University-Bangladesh. The session was conducted by S.M Raihan Gafur (General Secretary, AIUB COMPUTER CLUB). The objective of this workshop was to enlighten students about the basics of MS Office applications.

The Speaker inaugurated the session by welcoming everyone and shared his real-life experience of using the MS Office applications in different circumstances. Afterward, he shared some hands-on examples on the use of various tools of MS Excel, MS Word and MS PowerPoint. Then, he urges the participants to learn various advanced techniques, which will benefit them in the future. He concluded his speech by thanking everyone for attending the workshop.

A group photo was taken with all the participants at the end of the seminar. AIUB Computer Club (ACC) extends its sincere gratitude towards the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) for the support to organize this seminar.