A webinar on ‘Blockchain, Cryptos and NFTs – How they may change the world’ was organized by AIUB Computer Club (ACC) which was held on 17th February 2022 through the online platform Zoom. The workshop was guided by Chief Technical Officer, Md Fattahul Alam, Chief Technical Officer, Nascenia Limited and Chief Technical Officer, Fuad Bin Omar from Nascenia Limited. The purpose of the workshop was to give ideas about the new upcoming future and about advanced technology that may take over our traditional currency. The workshop was open for all the students of AIUB.
The host, Abhijit Bhowmik, Associate Professor and Special Assistant of OSA, AIUB started the session at 7.00 PM with a welcome speech and then introduced the speakers to the participants. Mr. Omar started with a short introduction about him and then he started to describe the Blockchain Technology. He defined all the processes and procedures about Blockchain step by step. Also, he explained the method, pattern and structures of blockchain with clarification. Then he told the participants how this technology is going to change the world soon. A short brief about bitcoin transactions was also described by the speaker. After that he presented his speech about cryptocurrency. He showed the participants about the structures and algorithms of the currency named bitcoin. He showed the process, how this technology works by sharing his screen. After that session Mr. Omar started to talk about NFT to the participants. He defined how NFT is made, how it was safe and secured and the benefit of this sector. He showed the systems and the evaluations of this trend. He also told the participants that in future people might be using software made with a bunch of protocols which would contain profit, buying power including exchange value, it would be a trackless transaction. As digital money can transfer without any third party financial institution there would not be any censorship resistance. Then, Mr. Alam introduced the students to its working process, informing that it was a piece of code that worked like a link list. Advantages were that the enemy could not trace the data and it worked like a democratic system.
Eventually, Mr. Bhowmik concluded the workshop around 10.00 PM. He thanked the speakers and the participants for the webinar and wished the participants a good and shiny future. Nearly 110 students joined the webinar and made it successful.