Activities & News

A Virtual Workshop on ‘Road to UI/UX’ Arranged by AIUB Computer Club

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On 25th January 2022, AIUB Computer Club (ACC) successfully organized a virtual workshop on ‘Road to UI/UX’ using the online platform Goggle Meet. Pritam Saha Keerthi, Former Vice President, ACC conducted the session and the hosts were Khandaker Raiyan Rahman, General Member, ACC, and Rinika Paul, General Member, ACC. The objective of the workshop was to provide the basics of UI/UX design and make familiar with it. The hosts inaugurated the session at 7:30 PM with their welcome speech and then, Ms. Paul introduced the speaker to the participants.

UI UX Workshop

UI UX Workshop by ACC

Mr. Keerthi started the session by defining UI and UX and cleared the distinction between them. Then, he explained different steps of design, including the design process, UI design core principles, visual hierarchy, and UI patterns. He showed the participants how a design is made by planning strategies, structure & skeleton as well as how one can present a design with clarity & consistency. Mr. Keerthi talked about how important typography, whitespace & color combinations are for a UI/UX designer. Within this time, honorable Abhijit Bhowmik, Associate Professor and Special Assistant of OSA, AIUB, joined the workshop and inspired everyone to develop their skills in this field as its demand is huge in today’s marketplace. He wished everyone good luck and congratulated Executive Body members for arranging these creative workshops for their members.

UI UX Workshop by AIUB Computer Club

UI UX Workshop

After that, Mr. Keerthi showed all the participants some UI/UX patterns and good examples from different sites; also, ACC web’s UI/UX design was highlighted. Latterly, there was a question-answer session, where Mr. Keerthi took his time to answer all the questions asked by attendees, which helped them clear their confusion and get a clear view of the workshop topic. The workshop was also graced by S. M. Raihan Gafur, Former President, ACC, and Md. Nashif Iftekhar, Former Vice President, ACC; both of them shared their valuable insights towards the session.

UI UX Workshop by ACC

Lastly, Mr. Rahman and Ms. Paul concluded the workshop around 9:15 PM. They expressed their gratitude towards the speaker and the alumni who joined and thanked the participants. The workshop was a great success with nearly 40 participants and motivated the attendees to consider starting their career in UI/UX designing.