Activities & News

Seminar on “From Novice to Designer: Photoshop & Illustrator Essentials”

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On Wednesday, 6th December AIUB Computer Club arranged an online seminar on “From Novice to Designer: Photoshop & Illustrator Essentials” at 8.00PM via Google Meet. The seminar was conducted by Sayeed Hasan, UI/UX Designer, Kolpolok Limited (Former Assistant General Secretary, Design & Decoration, AIUB Computer Club).


The seminar aimed to teach the basic tools and techniques of Photoshop and Illustrator. The presenter, Mr. Hasan, began the session by interacting with the audience to understand their interests in design. He then shared his career journey and provided some tips to the beginners. He also gave an overview of the fundamentals of graphic design. He motivated students to set goals and find their desired career path. Mr. Hasan also suggested attendees to design anything and search templates online for inspiration and skill enhancement.

However, he advised not to use any free designs from Freepik for final designs, but mentioned those can be used as elements. After an engaging session, he covered the basics of Illustrator, including image quality and the differences between raster and vector images. In the meantime, Abhijit Bhowmik (Associate Professor of CSE at AIUB and Special Assistant, Office of Student Affairs) joined the meeting and gave a small talk on the importance of design and the demand of Product Design, UI/UX design in the current job market. Mr. Hasan then explained how to convert PNGs to vectors and the use of abstract images. Then he discussed the core concepts, like setting print sizes for posters, banners or other works. Moreover, Mr. Hasan shared color theories, which are essential for design and explained the use of RGB for digital and CMYK for print. Lastly, he spoke about font and logo design, two popular fields, and how students can develop and practice effectively. He gave some examples from his own font and logo designs.

There was a Question-Answer session at the end between the attendees and speaker. Later, Mr. Mirza and Mr. Faysal thanked Mr. Sayeed Hasan for the wonderful session and concluded the workshop at 9:30pm. Overall, the workshop was very effective and helpful not only for designers but also for all the participants who’ve joined. The attendees highly appreciated the knowledge they gathered and thanked AIUB Computer Club for taking such initiatives everyone was waiting for.