We are very delighted to say that we have completed our virtual event ‘Intro To Mozilla’ successfully on 4th December 2020 collaboration with Firefox@AIUB and AIUB Computer Club. The event was directed by Nazmus Shakib Robin, Assistant Software Engineer (Akij Group), former Club Lead of (Firefox@AIUB). The motive of this virtual event is to introduce Mozilla’s pros and cons of how one can contribute and enhance their skill through this open-source platform and achieve recognition through their amount of contribution to all the members of AIUB Computer Club(ACC).
Indeed our virtual event was very much conducive to fulfill all the requirements. It started at 8.30 pm and continued till 10.30 pm. Around 40 members have attended our event and enjoyed it as well.
We would like to show our gratitude to Abhijit Bhowmik (Club Mentor) Salmanrahmandesh (Club Advisor & Former Club Lead), Nazmus Shakib Robin(Club Advisor & Former Club Lead), Saima Sharleen (Club Advisor & Former Club Lead) by sharing their experience and giving their precious time to encourage us to go further.