On 17th October 2019, AUB Computer Club (ACC) organized Jarvis – Intra ACC Carnival 2019 at American International University-Bangladesh. The event was arranged for the first time in AIUB and featured events like Idea Prototyping and App Showcasing, ICT Quiz and Content Writing Competition. The key objective of the event was to improve the skills of ACC members in the important fields.
The event initiated with the ICT Quiz. The Quiz had two different categories: Senior and Junior. Around 85 members participated in this quiz. Then the Idea Prototyping and App Showcasing event began, where 9 groups partook with their projects and prototypes. They had to demonstrate their projects to the judges. The last event of the event was the Content Writing Competition. Around 55 members participated in this event to show their creativity and the competition consisted of two parts. In the first part, they had to face a real-life scenario and in the second part, they wrote a newspaper article.
The event was a massive success and received a huge response from the ACC members.
AIUB Computer Club (ACC) extends its sincere gratitude towards the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) and the Department of Computer Science and the faculty members and all the judges and alumnus of ACC for the support to organize this event.
AIUB Computer Club (ACC) gives its gratitude towards weDevs to support the program as a Swag Partner and for giving cool and nice swag gifts to the participants and judges as well.