On 13th February 2021, AIUB Computer Club (ACC) arranged its orientation ceremony to welcome its newly recruited members of Fall 2020-21 semester using the online platform ‘Google Meet’. This semester, among 208 candidates who were called for the viva procedure 18 students are selected for the final membership of AIUB Computer Club (ACC). Abrar Rafid, General Secretary, ACC commenced the orientation at 7 pm by welcoming the newly recruited members to the club. Then one of the hosts of the session, MD. Salman Hossain, Member, ACC started the main event of the orientation program. Mr. Hossain discussed the foundation and work of AIUB Computer Club (ACC) to make the newly recruited members familiar with the club. His discussion covered the history of AIUB Computer Club, its mission and vision, and some of its activities like workshops and seminars the club arranges for its members as well as some signature events of ACC. Then, his fellow host Shalim Sadman Dipro, Member, ACC talked about different connected student communities of ACC that includes BASIS Students Forum-AIUB Chapter and Firefox@AIUB through a presentation. Mr. Dipro also talked about the current executive body and teams working for the club. Following that, Mr. Rafid took the floor again to introduce the current executive community of ACC. The executive body members introduced themselves and described their roles in their respective sectors. After that, ACC alumni took the floor and shared their experiences about how
a club helps in communication, teamwork, and career-building opportunities. They instructed new members with good advice and showed gratitude towards all senior and junior members of
ACC. Later on, Abhijit Bhowmik, Associate Professor and Special Assistant of OSA, AIUB spare some of his time to join the orientation to give his best wishes to the newly selected members of
AIUB Computer Club and gave some advice to help them in their journey with the club. Lastly. Mr. Bhowmik announced the winners of the recently arranged competition by AIUB Computer
Club, JARVIS 2.0-Intra ACC Carnival 2020. Afterward, Mr. Raihan Gafur, President, ACC thanked everyone for joining the program and welcomed the new members to the club. He thanked the special guests, advisors, current and former executives. Finally, Mr. Rafid concluded the program with his closing statement at 10 PM. AIUB Computer Club (ACC) extends its sincere gratitude towards the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) and the members of the club for their support to organize this event.