On October 15, 2023, AIUB Computer Club organized an ‘Orientation Ceremony’ for the newly recruited members of the Fall 23-24 recruitment, along with the celebration of its 11th foundation day. The event started at 4:00 PM. in Multipurpose Hall, Annex-7, AIUB. Mr. Ashikuzzaman, general member of ACC, was the host for the occasion.
The ceremonial proceedings started with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Mr. Hasib Abdullah, general member of ACC, followed by readings from the Bhagavad Gita by Mr. Sudipta Raja Chakraborti, general member of ACC. Subsequently, Mr. Abhijit Bhowmik, Associate Professor and Special Assistant, Office of Student Affairs, AIUB, and Mr. Manzur Hossain Khan, Associate Professor, and the Director, Office of Student Affairs, AIUB, graced the event with their presence. Mr. Ashikuzzaman, in his role as host, invited Mr. Bhowmik to briefly discuss the aims of the club to the new members. Mr. Bhowmik, in turn, provided proper guidance to the newcomers on their participation in various club activities, highlighting their pivotal role in fostering a vibrant and inclusive community of AIUB.
Furthermore, Mr. Ashikuzzaman extended a gracious invitation to Mr. Manzur Hossain Khan to address the gathering. He explained the club’s objectives and advised the members on their responsibilities, growing up a sense of duty and purpose in them. He also announced the new executive committee for the BASIS Student Forum and Firefox@AIUB and facilitated their introduction to the attendees. Later, a cake cutting ceremony was held to celebrate the 11th foundation day of AIUB Computer Club.
Mr. Niloy Roy, the President of the AIUB Computer Club, then took the stage to discuss the club’s history, its mission, and its diverse range of activities, including events such as ‘Jarvis’, ‘CS Fest’, and ‘Cyber Gaming Fest’ to familiarize the newcomers with the various aspects of the club. He also mentioned the responsibilities of various sector heads within the club. Distinguished alumni were also present, generously sharing their invaluable thoughts and guidance to the new members. Their contributions were significant in charting a course for the novices’ engagement with the club.
To wrap up the event, a cultural program was staged, where not only performers, but also numerous new members actively participated. The President of the club extended gratitude to all attendees, marking the conclusion of the event.